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Preparing Students for Tomorrow and Beyond: Priori...

More than ever before, Career Readiness is an area of strategic emphasis in Higher Education. The pressure is higher than ever on colleges and univers...
  • Richelle Hurley
    July 22, 2024 11:37:12 AM EDT . 5 min read

A Data-Driven Approach in Assessing Career Outcomes to Demonstrate the Value of Graduate Education

Join us as we sit down with Dr. Gillian Hayes, Vice Provost for Graduate Education, University of California Irvine and Dr. Karen DePauw, Vice President Emerita and Dean Emerita of the Graduate School at Virginia Tech to gain their perspectives on A Data-Driven Approach in Assessing Career Outcomes to Demonstrate the Value of Graduate Education and Support Graduate Student Success.

Rising costs in Higher Education has led to increased expectations from students/families, greater accountability from accreditors/donors, and oversight from federal/state governments to demonstrate the ROI for education. Universities often face challenges with decentralized efforts and inconsistent/incomplete data when assessing and communicating graduate outcomes. This webinar will discuss leveraging Steppingblocks data and tools as a potential solution.

Click here to view the recording.

How are you leveraging graduate outcomes data?

Graduation outcomes have become increasingly important to higher education. Universities across the country are leveraging outcomes data to make strategic decisions or support their student success initiatives.

For example, Florida International University is leveraging data in their efforts to support alumni success. Georgia State is putting data-driven career roadmaps in the hands of every student as part of their leadership on the Taskforce of Higher Education and Opportunity.

Interested in how you could leverage Steppingblocks? Explore now.

What is Steppingblocks for students?

Research your future career with real-world stats about your major, your interests, and your job title. Turn billions of data-points into actionable insights about your future with a few simple clicks. Watch the video to find out how.

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